Monday, May 30, 2011

Simple women's day book 7

For Today: April 19 2011
You can find more day books at Simple woman's daybook

Outside my window: Greyness, the weather has been awful lately

I am Thinking: About how to do some kind of way to blog/podcast about church history in a comprehensive way. 
I am Thankful For: Not having to go to work today

From the Kitchen: I get to make Amish friendship bread tomorrow

I am wearing: My favorite purple PINK sweat pants that my sister got me for Christmas, and a purple tank

I am Creating: I've been fighting for weeks with the dang baby hat.  this pattern was only supposed to take a few hours not a few weeks!

I am Going:  Tonight is game night at the Jones!

I am Reading: Simarilian by Tolkien, I finished the other books I was reading and hope to read Earth by Mur Lauffferty and The Canterbury tales this week

I am Hoping: That allergy season ends soon
I am Hearing: washing machine

Around the House: Petty much a mess 

One of my favorite things: Late mornings with a hot breakfast.

Picture I feel like Sharing: view form Natural Bridge. 

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